Hands of Destiny

Lucia, Singapore, South East Asia.

I was really looking forward to my Reading with Rhonda as I had heard such good things about her, so was excited to speak to her. Rhonda dived right into my most inner fears and issues and got everything right down to a T, I was shocked, she was telling me things about myself that I knew deep down, but hadn’t even had the courage to admit them to myself, let alone discuss with others.

Rhonda spoke about some major things I had been through in the past, which were so accurate, including the age I was, and how they had emotionally affected me, and she gave me advice and help on my next steps. I felt really supported throughout and Rhonda kept ensuring I understood what she meant. I feel positive about the future, and I now know how I need to take action to help myself.

I cannot recommend Rhonda enough, and I will definitely be speaking to her again.

Many thanks,


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